In my opinion, the challenge of a photographer is to capture a 'natural' moment. It certainly looks like that in those beautiful portraits, right? Well, in my experience a good photo is the result of many shoots... I never had the 'luck' of getting it right the first time. Don't get me wrong, with time it gets easier to understand when you have the right one, but in doubt, keep shooting! until you love the result... and then again, you might need to do some edit work... what we want is our customer to be happy, and this little girl and they dog, certainly were!

I would say you need to shoot even more times when photographing a pet, as they don't know you most of the times and also... they don't speak our language, so can't really stay still when you tell them to, or to present you their best angle right? So as a photographer, I have to first make sure we like each other, take my time... and plenty of shoots!

Capitan, the dog